So, I caught a chicken this week. . .

We were walking down the street one night and we saw a chicken running out in the street with people chasing after it so I turned to Elder Campos and said, ``Elder, este es una oportunidad para servicio!´´(Elder, this is a chance for service!) So we helped catch the chicken. I was the one who actually caught it. =D
I also had my first baptism this week! I would have
attached the picture, but I forgot the cable to attach my camera, so
I'll have to send it next week. His name is Kenneth, and he was the
first person I got to teach out in the field. And I mean the very first.
First discussion, and everything. It was kind of difficult to remember
the words for the baptism in Spanish, and especially hard to say the
name right, (The names down here are unusual, they all have a first and
middle name, but they have two last names. And they're all weird Spanish
names too.) However, I got it right on the first try, and we confirmed
him the next day.

All letters and packages need to be sent
to the mission home. That's the very first address we ever had that came
in my call packet. One of the Hermanas in
my district was telling me that there's a lady up in Salt Lake that will bring packages down here personally, and they'll get here in like a
week, so you might want to look that up.
like lots of awesome things are happening at home! I don´t have time to
write about them all, but I really appreciate all the emails I've been
With love,
-Elder Dañel Jacob Smith
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